What Can I Do for you?
GRaphic Design
Whether digital or print, graphics are how we brand ourselves, our ideas and our projects. Logo design, ads on social media or marketing campaigns are all enhanced by clearly defined lines and colors to display their ideas to the world.
Illustration and Visual Development
Children’s Books, Cartoons, Movies, Animation. These all usually start as idea’s, maybe with a scribble or doodle for how it will look. The next step in all of these is to get the visuals down. Is it a gritty, post apocalyptic world? A fun adventure to the backyard? A gritty adventure into the backyard?! The look of a story is how you get it sold, even book covers for novels.
Character Design
How the characters look can make or break and development project. It’s why there are pages and pages of character ideas in every movie art book you pick up. From the most villainous to the cute little girl, each character should be able to tell a story through their looks alone.